
Our team at edEUcation have a broad expertise across all fields and ages of teaching and learning – from nursery to retirement age and from languages to school leadership. As an institution training educators, edEUcation is ready to collaborate in the following (and other) education areas:


As a truly international company, we believe that language learning is essential for building bridges between nations and personal relationships between individuals of different origins.

In previous partnerships we have developed serious games for language learning, supported by innovative teaching methodologies. Some projects focused on teaching foreign languages to young children, as well as adult learners, others supported inclusion of migrants of all ages through teaching the language of their new home country.


School Leadership and Management

edEUcation has led or been involved in various projects dealing with Leadership and Management including upskilling school leadership teams, coaching and mentoring, curriculum management and projects focused on staff resilience or environmentally friendly project management.

Teaching and Learning Competences

One of the guiding principles at edEUcation is empowering educators to do better what they do best. In everchanging circumstances in the world and at schools, teachers and trainers need to constantly adapt their teaching methods, learning content and ways of reaching their learners.

As a response to frequently emerging challenges in teaching practice, several projects attempted to address educators’ needs. We have tackled ways of helping newly qualified and established teachers through support networks and video enhanced observation. In international partnerships we have developed training resources aimed at improving pedagogical content delivery, adapting to online teaching, and creating innovative learning environments for students of tomorrow.

Curriculum Enrichment

In addition to core teaching competences, our edEUcation team also work on specific topics, which are then integrated into school curricula. These topics emerge as society evolves and the world around us changes.

Expectedly our projects revolve around environmental issues, the power of social media, or cultural inclusion in societies transformed by recent waves of migration. The resources of these projects are piloted in schools and then adopted by pioneering educators.

Education for Social Inclusion and Diversity

“A civilization is measured by how it treats its weakest members”. At edEUcation we are committed to making a difference in the ways individuals with learning differences access education and see their life prospects improved.

Over the years we have been involved in initiatives supporting adult learners with disabilities, carers of people suffering from dementia, as well as other disadvantaged learners based on socio-economic obstacles, gender, or age. Every individual has the right to access education, and it is up to education providers to adapt their offer and methods to include diverse learners.

For more details about each project, visit the PROJECTS page.

edEUcation is interested in new partnerships in its fields of expertise and is looking forward to getting involved in new projects under Erasmus+ or any other funding programmes in the field of education. We are keen on working with partners in the EU and other programme countries, bringing our knowledge and skills to develop innovation and share good practice in school education, adult training, and youth work. If you are looking for a partner, please visit the contact page to get in touch and we can discuss our potential partnership in detail.